(Eyelash extensions are a popular approach to making the eyelashes appear longer and fuller.
When applied correctly by a licensed professional, eyelash extensions can provide safe, beautiful results.)
- Ombre’ Powder Brows
(Ombre brows, also known as Powdered Brows, are a semi-permanent eyebrow styling technique that creates a soft shaded brow pencil look. This amazing technicque, first developed in Asia, has been around for decades and has been gradually improving over the years. It gives great deefinition & depth to the eyebrows It is particularly recommended for women with oily skin or combination skin or anyone who fills in their brows regularly with pencil or shadow.)
- Lip Blush
(Lip blush is non-invasive semipermanent makeup soluttion “cosmetic tattoo”designed to enhances the
lips color, shape and symmetry while creating the appearance of fuller lips.
Microblading…who is she? We’re all about the new kid that hhas emerged on the block and her name is Brow Lamination.
But first thing’s first, what is brow lamination? Well, lamination is the temporary, natural looking fix you need for fuller looking brows. As a semi-permanent alterrnative to microblading, lamination gives that filled in brow effect without tattooing or adding volume by ussing a brow pencil
With microblading, a therapist strokes semi permanent dye to fill in thhe brows. In contrast, lamination opens up the eye by lifting your natural brow hairs to give a feathered, brow lifect. It’s a must-try for diehard brow enthusiasts!
Here, we cast an eye towards the process of brow laminaation, how it differs from alternative treatments and why you and your clients need it in your lives ASAP!)
Book onlineLASH LIFT
(You can think of a lash lift as a perm for lashes! Theprocess involves enhancing and promoting the natural curling of lashes to make them appear longer and fulleer. Using a water-soluble adhesive, practitioners carefully curl the lashes into a new structure and leave todry, before cleansing. This gives an enhanced, yet natural look.
Lash lifts can also help with lashes that tend to sit straight or gget twisted into others. A great lash lift makes them manageable as well as fluttery!
Often a lash lift is accompanied by a tint, a dying process that enhances aral tone of the lashes34,666 usually making them darker, so that they have moreimpact.)
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